Raymond Cauchetier Photography

His film photographs are now the subject of exhibitions all over the world.

Raymond Cauchetier

To sum up, I can say that I’ve spent part of my life photographing what I like, without worrying about the immediate profitability of my work, which was very careless of me.

But I have no regrets. I’ve lived a life of freedom, and that has no price.

9 séquences de photos de Raymond Cauchetier sur la guerre d'Indochine tirées de la vidéo originale "Voir la guerre et faire la paix " avec l’aimable autorisation du musée de l’Armée – Invalides.

- La vidéo d'origine : « Voir la guerre et faire la paix »  dans le cadre d’un festival intitulé Hors Pistes_Super-vision, diffusée au soir du 24 janvier 2023 au Musée de l'Armée - Invalides

- Collections photographiques du musée de l’Armée et de l’Établissement de production et de communication audiovisuelle de la Défense (ECPAD)

- Réalisation : Alexe Liebert

- Direction artistique : Lucie Moriceau-Chastagner

- Musique : Benjamin Chaval

Exhibitions 2023
January - March 2023
"Raymond Cauchetier's Nouvelle Vague" - Palermo - Consulat de France - Sicilia.
18 february 2023
"Nouvelle Vague de Raymond CAUCHETIER" - Nuit de la Photo - La Chaux-de-Fonds - Suisse

Graham Greene

He met Raymond Cauchetier at René de Berval’s house and liked his photos of the Vietnamese people so much that he offered to preface one of his albums,


Norodom Sihanouk

In 1967, Norodom Sihanouk, the head of state of Cambodia, launched a campaign to promote his country’s cultural treasures and tourist attractions.


John Bailey

The album, “PHOTOS DE CINEMA”, sparked much more interest in the US than in France when it was released in 2008.


John Alexander Pope

When I brought my tiger cub back to the Grand Hotel in Angkor, he graciously let himself be fussed over by a group of Americans.



Bijou’s story goes back to 1957, when I was photographing the Angkor temples. I wanted to interview the famous Cambodian pirate Dap Chuon,